Happy Valentine Surprise

My plan for this Valentine’s day involved a Saturday of absolutely nothing. I have been so busy with school and adventuring around Osaka and Hirakata that I have had very little time for myself–let alone time to update my travel blog! So, today is my “me day,” meant to be a time to catch up on my own projects and talk with family and friends back home. What a perfect day, then, to receive a Valentine Surprise!

I was sitting down in the dining room with my laptop, working on a different post to update, when Otousan (my seminar house father) comes upstairs and finds me. “Christine! Christine! You has package,” he tells me, and beckons for me to follow. I tell my roommate, Ulga, to watch my laptop before heading downstairs to Otousan’s office. He hands me a package that weighs a good four or five pounds and I have to hold it with both arms. I am so excited! It is from my home address!

Before I can head upstairs I am briefly scolded by Otousan for not wearing my house slippers, and I apologize and thank him for the package with a sheepish grin. There is nothing that can dampen my overly good mood–not even my careless mistake of leaving my house slippers in my room. I have a present from home![singlepic=44,320,240,,right]

Scooping up my laptop in the dining hall, I take the elevator to the fourth floor and scurry inside my room. I do not have scissors, but I rip into box with the sharp edge of my room key. The package is filled with American food. I never thought I’d be so overjoyed to see peanut butter!

There is macaroni and cheese, ramen, Cheez-Its and a bag of chocolate coated pretzels. Tucked on the bottom is a photo of my family from Christmas and also my new contact lenses. There is also a Valentine’s Day card signed by my parents. I already placed it on my shelf. On top of all of this is my old Japanese cookbook that is suddenly more intriguing now that it contains recipes of food I have tried and could not name.

[singlepic=43,320,240,,left]I am bouncing around on my tatami mats, giggling from joy. Mommy and Daddy made my day! I feel so loved. I wonder how long all of it will last? Maybe I should offer to share some of it with my Japanese friends…but I want it all for myself so badly it may be hard to part with any of it. XD In any case, I should make a sample baggie of the Cheez-Its and pretzels for Ai and Mai. Not a lot, mind. Just enough to be a little less than selfish. *munches on a chocolate pretzel* Mmmm…oishii desu ne…
Happy Valentine’s Day!

4 Responses so far.

  1. Rask says:

    Aww that’s so nice!

  2. Lekkit says:

    Sounds like my Valentine’s Day. Except I’m not in Japan. And I didn’t get food from my family. In fact I didn’t get any gifts at all. But I’m happy that way, and if you’re happy your way it’s all good for you. 😀 As long as everyone’s happy all is good.

  3. Madi-sawn says:

    AWWWW!! Hooray!!!!!
    See, THAT is how Valentine’s day should be, y’know? Not “YOU MUST BUY PRESENTS FOR ME OR I WILL HATE YOU”, but instead some simple lovin’ in simple forms. ^___^

  4. Sunja says:

    The chocolate pretzels didn’t hurt, though. Lawlz.

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